About Dr. Jagruti Desai
Dr. Jagruti Desai completed her M.S. in ophthalmology in 1992 and her fellowship in cataract surgery in 1996. Since then she has worked in private practice and as an honorary consultant at Ramakrishna mission hospital, Khar (w). She has extensive experience with all types of cataract patients and general ophthalmology practice. She has also taught other surgeons phacoemulsification cataract surgery and has published a no. of scientific papers in reputed journals.
M. S. Ophthalmology, 1992.
M & J Institute of Ophthalmology, Ahmedabad.
Raghudeep Eye Clinic, Iladevi Cataract, and IOL Research Centre. Director Dr. A.R Vasavada MS, FRCS.
Capsulorhexis: It’s safe limits.Indian Journal of Ophthalmology,44:185-190, 1995
Measuring structures within the eye(Letter to the editor) Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (A publication of the American and European society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons), 22; 1996
Stop, chop, chop, and stuff. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery,22(5):526-529,1996
A chapter on “ Malpositioned IOL’s “ in a book on Recent Advances in Ophthalmology, Ed. Dr. .V Neema, part 3, 1996
Capsulorhexis and nucleus management in ECCE, Rajasthan Ophthalmic Journal,1994
Implantation for congenital cataracts.Eastern India Zonal Ophthalmological Congress-Journal of Ophthalmology,1995
Phacoemulsification- a booklet on the basics of phacoemulsification surgery.
Enlarging the capsulorhexis. Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery 23:329-331:1997
Primary posterior capsulorhexis with and without vitrectomy in congenital cataracts. Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery 23:Supplement: 645-651:1997
Phacoemulsification of white mature cataracts.Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 24:270-277;1998
The corneal endothelium and phacoemulsification – Part I: Journal of Intraocular implant society of India, 1999.
Presented 20 research papers and video films in national and international conferences, 4 of which have won awards. Helped to conduct many instruction courses and workshops on phacoemulsification.